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With a little bit of knowledge about wheatgrass, you'll be juicing wheatgrass in as many juicing recipes as you can. Studies show that wheatgrass has a benefical effect in many special areas, and has many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and enzymes. It is a wonderful ingredient to add to your recipes.

Vegetables Fresh vegetables especially green ones WheatGrass Powder contain a range of energizing B vitamins iron and magnesium. The best of these are: broccoli, spinach, and asparagus.

Wheatgrass is the young leaf of the wheat plant, before it matures into a grain. It is classed as a vegetable and is packed full of sunlight energy and chlorophyll - the wonderfully nourishing enzyme that gives plants their dark green colour.

Of course, if you have a garden, then you can just plant the wheatgrass in the soil. It's best to soak the seeds, drain and rinse. Set the seeds in the sun to dry. Repeat this several times. What you want is to have a pre sprout before planting.

Cancer rates in 1900 were just 3% of the population and now it is 25% of the population. The World Health Organization released a report entitled; "Global cancer rates could increase by 50% to 15 million by 2020.

Some stores, as well as health food stores, sell freshly cut wheatgrass flats. You can take these home to put in your juicer. You get more info can also purchase wheatgrass as a juice or frozen. Wheatgrass also comes as a powder or in a tablet, so if you choose to you can use these forms as well.

It's best to freeze the fruit/s you use beforehand, so your smoothie stays colder and thicker. Fresh fruits give a thinner, juice-like consistency to your smoothies, so if you like them that way, then don't bother freezing your fruit. Before freezing your bananas or melon, chop them into pieces and spread these on a plate so they won't freeze into one big lump.

These are but a few snippets of information and never meant to be an in depth analysis of the literature but merely a pointer to the beneficial effects of using wheatgrass either as a juice or in powder form.

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